Dr. Zoltán Nagy

Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft.


What was the main reason you joined Swisscham? When did you join?

Our company Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft is 100% owned by the Swiss Phoenix Mecano AG. The shares of the Phoenix Mecano Group are listed on the Zurich Stock Exchange. As a Swiss company, we consider it important to belong to the community of other Swiss companies and work together for our common goals.

Why did you decide to run for a position on the Board?

Our company is one of the largest Swiss-owned companies in Hungary. It is important that we are properly represented in the chamber and that we can enrich our opinions, intentions and experience at an appropriate level and share them with others.

What do you expect from the cooperation of our chamber and your company in the future?

I look forward to an open dialogue, mutual assistance and effective advocacy as in the past, so in the future.

What event(s) would you highlight from the history of our joint work?

Swiss Business Day
