For members only
Let’s speak AI! - Workshop
Event date:
Sigma Technology,
1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 30-32. 6. emelet
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Skool and Sigma Technology, in cooperation with the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Swisscham Hungary cordially invite you to an exciting workshop:
Let’s speak AI!
10 October 2023, 8:45 - 11:00
In one way or another, we have all been touched by the vast capabilities, and also some of the threats, AI is bringing. A lot will depend on when and how the upcoming generations embrace AI and other new technological advancements.
Skool helps kids get to know and learn about the marvels of technology. During the event, we will learn more about Skool, what they do for business and society, and why it is important for companies to care.
We will also learn more about AI, and how we, current users, can benefit from it already today.
8:45 – Registration, networking
9:00 – Welcome notes
9:15 – Introduction of Skool
9:30 – “Do you speak AI?”
9:45 – “Let’s speak AI!” Workshop
10:30 – Conclusions and Q&A
10:45 – Snacks and networking
Free of charge for members of Swisscham Hungary.
Please note that members of the organizing partners have priority at the registration as number of places are limited.