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Swisscham HR Café: Motivate to retain employees

Event date:




Nevis Security Kft. – 1083 Budapest, Bókay János utca 44-46.
Parking is possible in the surrounding streets.


We closed March with an exciting HR-themed discussion: the first Swisscham HR Café of the year was held at our member, Nevis Security, where experts and company managers shared their experiences related to recruitment and retention.

We thank the host, Ákos Kovács, for welcoming us, and we thank Kinga Király-Korcyl for her competent moderation. The event generated big interest, so the participants were able to gain a wider insight into each other’s everyday HR affairs and solutions.

It turned out that the problems that managers tend to think they are struggling with alone are often similar even across industries – this shows how important such networking, thought-provoking, interactive forums are.
