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Swiss-Hungarian Business Talks Kecskemét

Event date:



Neumann János Egyetem,
6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 10.

The language of the event is Hungarian-English (interpreting will be available).

Participation is free but subject to registration.


Yesterday, we held the Swiss-Hungarian business forum in Kecskemét, at Neumann János University, together with the Swiss Embassy, ​​with great interest.

Our main topics were innovation, institutional cooperation, Swiss good practices, cooperation programs, and training opportunities.
Swiss and Hungarian governmental, institutional and company representatives were also present among the speakers and panel discussion participants. The audience came from the regional corporate and institutional sphere, as well as from the national scope of the chamber membership.

After the event we had the opportunity to visit the Fornetti factory.

Thank you for all our partners who contributed to this succesful event!